Txalaparta biraka
(Travelling Txalaparta)
Travelling txalaparta, twisting txalaparta.
The willingness to take the Txalaparta out to the street prompted Oreka TX to launch this project together with the txalapartaris from Aittitte Ttakun and the percussion group Zozongo, which resulted in this exciting and innovative show.
The primitive movements and rhythms return to the present, to daily life in the streets, in an itinerant way.
Using trolleys with wheels, the txalaparta, an originally static instrument, will travel through the streets of cities and towns, allowing its mixing with other local and traditional instruments and its diffusion in different places and audiences.
The musical arrangements have been created and adapted to the show itself. The nature of the past is immersed in life and among the people of today, combining rural and urban life, static and dynamic, old and new, past and present, all in one.